Website Terms of Use eCommerce


Website terms of use govern how visitors can use a website. eCommerce website terms of use allow a business to set reasonable rules and guidelines concerning details of the product or service offered for sale. Our comprehensive eCommerce Website Terms of Use can help safeguard against liabilities associated with running an ecommerce website.



What is an eCommerce Website Terms of Use?

Website terms of use govern how visitors can use a website. eCommerce website terms of use also allow a business to set reasonable rules and guidelines, especially concerning details of the product or service offered for sale. A comprehensive terms of use can also help safeguard any intellectual property on a website. Plus, it can guard against unauthorized use of a site generally. Furthermore, having terms of use posted on a website can limit a business’s liability to the public.

What business needs an eCommerce Website Terms of Use?

It is good business practice for every public website to have terms of use, generally tailored to the services the business provides. Website terms of use for eCommerce should be used for businesses that provide digital or physical products or services for sale. Businesses selling physical products should clearly provide information about their products – i.e. purchasing, shipping, and refund policies. Businesses selling digital products should consider whether refunds are appropriate, and the terms of use should offer copyright protection to prevent unauthorized downloads and misuse. An eCommerce website terms of use is also appropriate for businesses that accept payments online for services.

What is included with the Legal Wise Enterprise eCommerce Terms of Use?

Legal Wise Enterprise downloadable templates come in an easy-to-use Word format. There are prompts for you to fill in and customize for your business.

Our eCommerce Website Terms of Use includes everything contained in the Legal Wise Enterprise basic Website Terms of Use, plus additional language for businesses offering services and products for sale. It includes important information such as:

  • How visitors may and may not use your website
  • Copyright and intellectual property protection for site content
  • Site registration and personal information
  • Recurring payment terms
  • Digital and physical product purchase terms
  • Limitations on user-generated content
  • Disclaimers of warranty
  • Indemnification and limitations on lawsuits and claims
  • Information and disclaimers regarding site security and availability

We also provide a set of instructions and helpful tips to make sure you get the most out of your template purchase!

Please note the following:

Legal Wise Enterprise documents are only for use in the United States.

The document is for general use only and is not intended as, and shall not be understood or construed as, legal, tax, or any other professional advice. Your purchase and/or use of this document does not form an attorney-client relationship. If you have legal questions or need advice, please consult the advice of an attorney licensed in your state of residence. While the document has been prepared with due care, we do not warrant or represent that the document is free from errors or omissions. Legal Wise Enterprise does not guarantee any particular result from the use of this document.

Legal Wise Enterprise retains all copyrights and intellectual property rights in and to this document. The purchase of this document provides you with a limited, personal, non-exclusive, non-transferable, non-commercial license to use the document for your own personal or business use.